What Is a Startup?

“Only describe, don’t explain.” ― Ludwig Wittgenstein According to Merriam-Webster, a startup is a fledgling company. According to Wikipedia, it’s a partnership or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. According to the Chicago Manual of Style, you spell start-up with a hyphen. But most people who work in the … Read More

Terminating an Employee: Best Practices for a Bad Situation

Six months ago you hired an employee. He shows up to work late more often than not. He’s always calling in sick, but never provides a medical explanation. When he is at work, he seems more devoted to updating his Facebook page than improving your company’s bottom line. He looked good on paper when you … Read More

Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine: When Your Employer Can Keep You from Working for a Competitor

Most people have heard of non-compete agreements. But there’s another scenario where an employer can keep you from working for a competitor, even in the absence of a prior agreement: the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine. Three tests must be met for a court to invoke the doctrine. 1) You must possess trade secrets that you do … Read More

The most expensive legal documents

The most expensive legal documents are the ones you never knew you needed until it was too late. For one example, filing a timely 83(b) election can be the difference between paying no taxes on an appreciating ownership interest in a startup and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time when you don’t … Read More